The Next Chapter

Weekly Tips for Writing & Publishing Your Bestselling Book

Dedicate Yourself Jul 07, 2024

My friend Drue Kataoka, a talented visual artist, speaker and mother, suggested this Newsletter topic.

Write your Dedication.

You know the Dedication. It’s usually just a few words, maybe a...

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Pen Fright Jun 30, 2024

Last month, I was invited to speak at the ShareWell conference on mental health. My topic was Writing as a Way of Healing. 

A few hundred people showed up on Zoom. The organizer, Amy...

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The Appeal of Paper Jun 23, 2024

Thanks to Susie Hollands, the Founder and CEO of exclusive European real estate company Vingt Paris, I was invited to attend a book launch party in Paris last week for the release of...

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It’s Never Too Late to Rewrite Jun 16, 2024

When I walked up on stage for a quick rehearsal around 10am on the morning of my TEDxBocaRaton talk (which would take place around 5pm before a live audience of 500+ people and 3 video cameras), my...

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Manifest Your Future Jun 09, 2024

In my May 19 Newsletter, I recounted how I used writing in my mid-30s as a way of healing from a difficult period in my past.

But the opposite is also true: Writing is a powerful way to manifest...

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HER Voice Jun 02, 2024

Did you read the recent news about OpenAI using Scarlett Johansson’s voice to create its “Sky” AI voice – without her consent? When, in fact, she had previously said...

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Listen to Love May 26, 2024

Are you part of the We Can Do Hard Things podsquad? I simply love this podcast. I believe what makes it so successful is the balance of characters who host it. Glennon Doyle, the bestselling author...

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Lean Into Failure May 19, 2024

I just finished an excellent book that is, in fact, hardly a book. 

It was actually a commencement address delivered by the inimitable Pema Chondron, Buddhist nun and spiritual leader....

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Let's GO! May 12, 2024

“People suck at following advice. Even the most effective people in the world are often terrible at it.” - Tim Ferris blog post, February 2024. 

He goes on:

“There are at...

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Paying Authors More Profits May 05, 2024

I was thrilled to read this Wall Street Journal article a few weeks ago, announcing a New Kid on the old Publishing Block: Author's Equity.

The publishing company will pay $0 upfront – so no...

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The Intangible Benefits of Writing a Book Apr 28, 2024

Last week, I talked about the financial and career benefits of writing a book to build your personal brand.

This week, I want to emphasize all the other reasons there are to embark on the process.

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The Business Benefits of Writing a Book Apr 21, 2024

Publishing a book is good business.

According to research from the Rain Consulting Group:

  • 95% of business owners who have published a book say that it has helped them get more leads
  • 50% say their...
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