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Become a Published Author

Who It's For

Founders, executives, professors, entrepreneurs, influencers, creatives, nonprofit leaders, changemakers, and anyone with something to say.


Join a Lifelong Community

Gain step-by-step guidance and support to write your nonfiction book or memoir, get it published, and reach more people than ever before!


Don't Miss Out

Our next cohort runs from September 13 - October 25, 2024. Enrollment closes September 8! Click below to apply today!

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Your Book Coach: MeiMei Fox

2x New York Times Bestselling author, FORBES contributor, and high-performance book coach

Your Book Coach: MeiMei Fox

2x New York Times Bestselling author, FORBES contributor, and high-performance book coach

Have you ever envisioned yourself holding a book in your hand… A book written by you?

Becoming a published author connects you with a larger audience than ever before...

This is why so many experts, executives, influencers, and changemakers – in spite of incredibly full schedules – make it a priority to write their own books.

Becoming an Author allows you more:

  • Invitations for public speaking (TED anyone?)
  • Press interviews
  • Exclusive events with other thought leaders

And, it can help you earn more income.

Not only that, but the process of writing your book can help you reframe your story, heal old wounds, and claim your voice in the world.

Your book can be the catalyst that ignites your future.

Sure, even the most successful people can feel overwhelmed by starting to write, structuring a book, and navigating the publishing process. 

But the good news is, if you are driven and open-minded, you already have what it takes to become a published author. 

However, you don't need to go at it alone...

As your guide I will:

  • Coach you past imposter syndrome
  • Demystify the complexities of the publishing industry
  • Provide you with a step-by-step roadmap, complete with insider industry knowledge and proven systems for success 

Join me and a community of inspiring individuals on the journey to becoming a published author!

Hi, I'm MeiMei Fox. 

I'm a 2x New York Times bestselling author as well as a Stanford-trained psychologist.


I've co-authored or edited over a dozen non-fiction books and more than 1,000 articles for publications such as The NY TimesForbesHuffington PostSelf, and Stanford magazine.

And since 2009, I've assisted my clients in developing careers that have meaning and impact, including book coaching first-time authors. 

With 25 years of experience, I created a program to make my proven systems and techniques available to more aspiring authors than ever before.

It’s an incredibly unique cohort-based program combining my two passions – writing and coaching – designed to help you develop your nonfiction book or memoir in a supportive environment with other high achievers.

Your Bestselling Book is my step-by-step program for high-performing executives, thought leaders, creatives, founders, influencers, and change makers… 

Designed to give you the exact roadmap and support you need to write your book, launch it into the world, and connect with bigger audiences than ever before! 

Not only does writing a book build your brand, income, and recognition as an author… 

It also gives you a deeper understanding of who you are.

And writing your book with other people brings you the accountability and support you need, so you're not doing it alone.

By joining the program, you’ll put yourself on the fast track to becoming a published author so you can change the trajectory of your career – and your life.


Here is what some of the past participants in the exclusive Your Bestselling Book 6-week course have to say about their experience.

This course was a game changer for me. I felt so validated. I thought I was taking it to finish my book and learn how to get it published. What I got was a big self-esteem boost and a powerful writing community I didn't even know I needed.

–Alice Crisci, CEO Ovum Health and Author of Fertility Math, ART, Data and the Lies They Tell You About Reproductive Health

Going through Your Bestselling Book with MeiMei has given me the utmost confidence to believe in myself. It’s part of my story, and it’s changed my life. I came to America as a kid 20 years ago, having never spoken a word of English. And now I’m writing a book to inspire millions.”

–Sacad Guled, Entrepreneur

Get on the Fast Track to Getting Published

Your Bestselling Book
 is designed to give you the four things you need to get your book written and published, in spite of being super busy: 

  1.  A clear step-by-step roadmap so no time is wasted, and you can start experiencing the benefits of being a published author as soon as possible 
  2.  Feedback and guidance from an insider (that’s me!), to help you excavate your most valuable life lessons and strategically navigate the nuances of the publishing industry 
  3.  Accountability, to help you prioritize the actions that matter most for creating the outcomes you want to generate in your life during the coming year, and
  4.  A vetted community of accomplished, high-achieving aspiring authors to cheerlead you, offer you feedback, and support you in launching your book into the world

With these four key elements in place, you’ll be able to complete your book quickly so you can begin to reap the benefits of becoming a published author.

Your Bestselling Book took my book from being a jumble of ideas in my head to being something that I was actually in community about already, which is my ultimate goal for writing this book: to bring together community and discourse. I have it before I’ve even finished writing or publishing the book, and it makes that goal even sweeter.”

–Indu Viswanathan, Ed.D.

 “MeiMei created this beautiful environment of trust, encouragement, compassion, and love. That created a beautiful ripple effect where we all felt comfortable being vulnerable, and became each other’s cheerleaders. 

MeiMei inspired us to believe in our projects and cheered us every step of the way. This was a beautiful, fantastic experience.”

–Marie Save de Beaurecueil, Attorney

Cohort Program Details

Program Length: 6 weeks, plus one individually scheduled bonus session

Dates: September 13 – October 25, 2024

Where: Online

Program Format:

  • Weekly live one-hour Workshop Sessions with no more than 10 people, facilitated by MeiMei via Zoom, so you can join easily from wherever you are (get schedule details after applying)
  • Weekly Open Office Hours, when MeiMei will be present on Zoom for one hour, so you can drop in to ask her questions
  • Video On Demand Course Seminars taught by MeiMei, which you may begin watching at any time. Included are  downloadable PDFs containing extensive course notes. Enjoy lifetime access
  • Video Interviews with top publishing industry experts including literary agents, hybrid publishers and book PR agents, which you may begin watching at any time. Enjoy lifetime access
  • A private book coaching session with MeiMei
  • The Your Bestselling Book Roadmap to help you track your progress and guide your next steps

Investment: Choose from one of the following options:

*Either option grants you instant and lifetime access to our Video on Demand course*

  • One payment of $5,500 OR
  • 3 monthly payments of $1,950 each.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Fall 2024 cohort will be limited in size to maintain an intimate online community. Eligible applicants will be invited to a discovery call before being able to register, so it is to your advantage to apply right away. Seats will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Enrollment closes September 8! Apply today!

Your Bestselling Book has a Fall 2024 cohort beginning on September 16, 2024. Click below to apply. If accepted, you may reserve your spot!

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What You'll Learn Inside Your Bestselling Book

Plus, You'll Get These Exclusive Bonuses 

Bonus 1: 1-1 Book Coaching Session 

As a member of Your Bestselling Book, you will be invited to reserve a slot in my schedule for a 30-minute individual consultation to take place anytime between September 16 and December 25, 2024.

Bring the piece of your choosing (your outline, table of contents, opening paragraph, a book chapter, conclusion, or scene) and I will offer constructive feedback so you can continue to head in the right direction even after the program has ended.

Bonus 2: Exclusive Publishing Insider Interviews 

Get the insider scoop in a series of nine interviews I conducted with some of the best people in the publishing industry: Megan Williams, CEO of The Self-Publishing Agency (a full-service self-publishing agency); Megan Williams, CEO of TSPA (a hybrid publisher); Becky Parker Geist, CEO of Pro Audio Voices (an audiobook publisher); book and author PR experts Stacie Krajchir and Lori Ames; and my own literary agent, Laura Yorke. Enjoy lifetime access to these pre-recorded interviews, so you can listen to them whenever you're ready – even if you don't have time during the six-week program.

Bonus 3: Your Bestselling Book Online Community

Build momentum, ask questions, and share your experiences in our membership-only online community. This community is hosted within our program, so there is no need to have any existing social media presence. Participation is at your discretion – choose to engage as much or as little as you prefer. 

“I loved the course and what it gave to me. I thought the course would simply outline a way for me to write a book, but it turned out to be so much more. It empowered me to really take a good look at my life, confront hard parts, heal, and find more growth within myself from my own story. The experience turned into one of release and freedom and writing my book became a cry of triumph for my life.”

–Tracey Milligan, Founder, The Milligan Foundation

“YES! MeiMei's course provided an excellent and comprehensive framework for new authors. The content was very well laid out and conveyed, but it was MeiMei's empowering coaching and warm, accessible demeanor that made this course excellent.”

–Zenia Tata, Innovation Strategist, Trained Futurist, & Humanitarian

Join Me Inside Your Bestselling Book

What's included:

  • 6 weekly one-hour Workshop sessions to attend live with other vetted high-performing authors in your cohort, led by me personally
  • 6 weekly Open Office Hours, when I will be present on Zoom for one hour, so you can drop in to ask questions
  • 6 weeks of Video on Demand Seminars, with lifetime access
  • The Your Bestselling Book Roadmap for your journey
  • Bonus 1: 1-1 Book Coaching Session with me
  • Bonus 2: Exclusive Publishing Insider Interviews
  • Bonus 3: 12 weeks of membership in the Your Bestselling Book online community
  • Weekly step-by-step assignments, written guides, and samples from my own bestsellers and not-yet-published work

...Plus lasting connections with other high-performing authors from your cohort.

All for one payment of $5,500 OR 50% down and 2nd half to be collected by July 31st.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This Fall 2024 cohort will be limited in size to maintain an intimate, vetted online community. Eligible applicants are invited to a discovery call before being able to register. Seats will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis, so reserve your spot today!

Your Bestselling Book has a Fall 2024 cohort beginning on September 16, 2024. Click below to apply and reserve your spot. 

Apply Now

What Course Members Are Saying

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“If I could describe this course in just a few words, it would be transformative, informative, inspiring. Taking Your Bestselling Book is like discovering your best self through an amazing writing adventure.”

–Toan Lam, Storyteller & Media Expert

“MeiMei has launched my career in five new directions. I have new jobs because of my work with MeiMei; I have plans for travel in the future with MeiMei. All I can say is, anybody who has a story to tell who doesn’t know how to tell it, should talk to MeiMei. It’s really that simple.”

–Jen Tate, Writer, Editor, Filmmaker


Author Case Study: Chrissy Grigoropoulous, Esq.

Chrissy Grigoropoulous, Esq. is a self-made millionaire with her own law firm and real estate business. She came to Your Bestselling Book in the fall of 2023 with the dream of writing a book that would empower young women without gold star resumes or fancy degrees or powerful family networks to achieve financial freedom and personal fulfillment on their own terms.  

The Your Bestselling Book team worked hard and fast to help Chrissy craft her book, taking LADYSHARK from conception to completion in just 6 months. We also connected Chrissy with a publisher and our PR partners at Nardi Media.

Just six months later, Chrissy already had major press appearances on national TV, including with Cheddar TV, FOX News, and Yahoo! Finance, and on numerous top 10 podcasts. Her book, LADYSHARK: How to Become a Millionaire in Your 30s, was released on June 11, 2024 and is already a bestseller. You can order your copy at or on Amazon today!


“For the first time in my creative career, I feel like I was in the right place at the right time when I met MeiMei Fox. The whole experience of writing my book has been very cathartic, and I will never forget the beautiful members of my cohort. I’m very grateful.”

–Sarah Halstead, Comedian, Actor, & Podcaster

“If you have been waiting to write your book for a popular audience, take this course as soon as you can. MeiMei's tips helped me see how I could shape a book to hook readers and keep them turning the pages. I benefited from her insider experience to think about a plan for publishing and disseminating my work. MeiMei is an excellent, enthusiastic teacher who puts a lot of heart into her work. Highly recommended!”

–Ashley E. Maynard, Ph.D.

Your Bestselling Book provided me with all the elements, encouragement, and expertise I needed to structure my book and build a solid book proposal that is ready to pitch. The community is so welcoming and encouraging, the materials are above and beyond what I could find anywhere else on my own, and MeiMei's expertise, alongside her genuine care for each member's success, is truly remarkable.”

–Kate Atwood, Founder of Kate's Club

“Your Bestselling Book is a catalyst for both novice and seasoned authors. The structure of the course supports three essential ingredients that you cannot get anywhere else: (a) insider insights and how-to write and publish your book (b) Mei Mei Fox, who is an institution unto herself, the ultimate book doula and manifesting champion, (c) a community of learners who each add value and perspectives that help to shape your book into something better than you can even imagine. 

To my academic friends: When it's time to write to a broader audience, start here. This course and working with Mei Mei will help ground your work so that you can make essential shifts in how you view your audience, your writing, and yourself as an author.

I went from 60 pages of notes to 260 pages of a full draft in just over two months – and a clear path to what I need to finish this book in 2024. Inspiration and clarity and confidence were all what I gained from this course.

benefited from her insider experience to think about a plan for publishing and disseminating my work. MeiMei is an excellent, enthusiastic teacher who puts a lot of heart into her work. Highly recommended!”

–Stephanie W. Cawthon, Ph.D.

Join Me Inside Your Bestselling Book

What's included:

  • 6 weeks of Video on Demand Seminars, with lifetime access
  • 6 weekly one-hour Workshop sessions to attend live with other vetted high-performing authors in your cohort, led by me personally
  • 6 weekly Open Office Hours, when I will be present on Zoom for one hour, so you can drop in to ask questions
  • The Your Bestselling Book Roadmap for your journey
  • Bonus 1: 1-1 Book Coaching Session with me
  • Bonus 2: Exclusive Publishing Insider Interviews
  • Bonus 3: 12 weeks of membership in the Your Bestselling Book online community
  • Weekly step-by-step assignments, written guides, and samples from my own bestsellers and not-yet-published work

...Plus lasting connections with other high-performing authors from your cohort.

All for one payment of $5,500 or pay 50% now / 50% by July 31 to begin your journey today!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Fall 2024 cohort will be limited in size to maintain an intimate, vetted online community. Eligible applicants will be invited to a discovery call before being able to register, so it is to your advantage to apply right away. Seats will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Your Bestselling Book has a Fall 2024 cohort beginning on September 16, 2024. Click below apply today and reserve your spot!

Apply Now

“Your Bestselling Book is more than a class; it's a community. If practical wisdom on writing and publishing delivered to a curated community of open, vulnerable authors (who become your biggest cheerleaders and favorite new pals) is what you're seeking, then you're in the right place. Sign up now!”

–Lara “The Lawyer who Loves Law” Pearson

 “I borrowed money to join the inaugural cohort of Your Bestselling Book led by MeiMei Fox, and the results have been astounding. The program delivered beyond my expectations, equipping me with essential tools for writing, valuable connections, and a significant jump start on my book project. Additionally, the knowledge I acquired through the course played a crucial role in boosting my business revenues by an incredible 75,000%. The experience has not only enhanced my book's storyline but also transformed my professional trajectory. I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone who dreams of writing and publishing a book in the future.”

–Christina Weber, Founder of WeDeepen and The Love Club, host of the Deepen with Christina podcast

Closing Thoughts

I truly believe that sharing your story is the greatest gift you can offer the world.

We all have wisdom, insights, and lessons drawn from our unique life experiences.

The benefits of writing a book are many.

Aside from building your brand, income, and esteem as an author, writing your own book also gives you a chance to gain a deeper understanding of who you are and what you're on this earth to do.

Finally, inside this course, you'll get to connect with other authors and share your greatest passion in life with a supportive community.

Launching your book is an investment that can transform the trajectory of your career — and ignite your future.

With this program, I can't wait to help guide you to the next level.