Trust your Voice
Dec 01, 2024
My beautiful creators. Hear me now, and please take my message to heart.
Your voice is your most powerful gift to the world.
Your voice is what sets your writing apart from A.I. Slop (I’m editing two books of A.I. Slop right now - don’t even get me started!!). Your voice, which has emerged directly from your life experience, is what makes you uniquely human.
Do not worry about not sounding smart / academic / experienced / formal enough.
Do not worry about enough-ness.
You are more than enough.
We love you exactly as you are, and exactly what you are. Speaking in your authentic voice is what makes you uniquely human.
So, I’ll say it again:
Your voice is your most powerful gift to the world. Trust it.
Writing Tip of the Week
If you find yourself doubting your voice, I recommend the following:
- Do a 10-minute free writing session, preferably with pen/pencil on paper, to unleash whatever you’re feeling and thinking right in the moment. No filtering. No editing. Just let go.
- Imagine your favorite client/ customer/ patient/ or best friend is sitting right there in front of you. As you write, talk to them in your mind.
- Read what you’ve written aloud, to yourself or to another person. Does it sound like you?
Quote of the Week
If you don’t know the kind of person I am, and I don’t know the kind of person you are, a pattern that others made may prevail in the world and following the wrong God home, we may miss our star.
- Poet William Stafford, “A Ritual to Read to Each Other”
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