The Problem Is You Think You Have Time
Mar 23, 2024
When I was a young adult, my mom frequently would share her favorite aphorism: "The problem is you think you have time.
When we are children, time floats by so slowly that it can feel... just plain boring. One school year is an eternity in which we might lose or gain a best friend, drop or pick up an activity, and even shift our identities entirely.
But as we age, a decade passes by in what feels like one single school year.
When speaking with clients and aspiring authors about writing their books, or changing jobs when they're unhappy with their current line of work, or embarking on any other journey that demands time and effort, the number one excuse is:
"I don't have time right now. I'll get to it later."
But the future is unknown. The cliché is true: We don't even know if there will be a tomorrow.
We're only fooling ourselves thinking that someday, at some point down the road, we'll have more time... that more space in our calendars will magically appear, as though by a wave of a magic wand.
Guess what? It never does.
When in your life have you ever found yourself staring at a calendar with months of free time? When in your life have you thought, "Ah, now is the perfect time to have a baby / write a book / search for a new job / go back to school, because I have such freedom and flexibility in my schedule!"
So don't fool yourself into thinking you have time. Rather, make the time now.
How do you make time? Unless you have a magic wand and can turn 24 hours into 28 (if only!), then you have to prioritize.
- Commit yourself to writing your book now. Write your goal down on paper. Make it public. Start telling yourself, "I am an author."
- Take a look at your engagements and commitments, from work to working out to socializing. Now eliminate one activity – whether that be hosting monthly dinner parties for friends or the PTA or a committee at work.
- Set aside at least 5 minutes a day to write, no matter what. I have mentioned before that psychological research demonstrates how building a daily habit, no matter how small, is more effective in accomplishing your goals than attempting to set aside large chunks of time on an infrequent basis. Daily habits for the win!
Now get to it!
What are you waiting for?
"Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind."
– Nathaniel Hawthorne, Author of The Scarlet Letter
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