The Next Chapter

Weekly Tips for Writing & Publishing Your Bestselling Book

Reignite Your Love of Reading

Apr 14, 2024

With the constant distractions of our devices, many of us find ourselves feeling that we don't have time to read – even if we were avid readers when we were younger.

The truth is, there are still 24 hours in every day. You're just not choosing to read during them.

Now, I'll confess, it ain't easy.

But if you love to read, then you can set aside time to read.

And if you want to write, then you really should be reading. It's the number one most powerful way to hone your craft.


  1. Schedule time: Set aside just 30 minutes a day for nothing but reading. Probably at bedtime.
  2. Listen: The great news is, these days, you don't have to be seated in a chair or lying on a hammock to read! Audiobooks continue to grow in popularity. You can listen to books while driving, cooking, and folding laundry.
  3. Make it fun: While you may have piles of self-help and business books you feel you "should" read, be sure to have some on your bedside table, smartphone audiobook app, or Kindle that are light-hearted, humorous reads, or thrillers if that's more your style, or romance novels if that's your preference – a book that is pure fun!
  4. Enlist an accountability partner: You don't have to read alone. Join a Book Club or simply choose one friend to serve as your reading accountability partner – someone to check in on whether you're keeping up your reading habit.
  5. Let go: If a book isn't working for you, don't feel obligated to finish it. Move on!

What is the best book you've read recently? 

For fun, I'm reading Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, a novel about video game designing. I'm not a gamer, and I'm loving it for the gorgeous writing and how it offers me a window into a world I know nothing about.



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